Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oct 10, 2009 - Saturday Part 5: Lessons Learned

When you have experiences ... if you don't learn from them, they were wasted. So ... this is the most important part of my long and many posts.

What did I learn from this?

I learned that having good equipment is a MUST. A horse harness is not something you should ever go cheap on. Think of a harness like a parachute for a sky-diver. That harness has to be strong enough to take whatever stress and strain is put on it.

The harness I was using was obtained cheaply. I always figured it was good enough. Boy was I wrong. Think if it had broken if I had a load of people, or in a parade or something? SCARY!!!

I now know that even though I have cheap tendencies ... I will not look at a harness in that way again. I'm now saving up for a new harness. One that is not old, and worn. One that will never fail me, and put me in a dangerous situation for me, Lily, or anyone else.

So ... to anyone listening ... DO NOT GO CHEAP ON A HARNESS!!!

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