Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jul 11, 2008 - Ben the stud comes over for training

I just thought I would let y'all here about Kim's soon-to-be stud
from someone who's never been around him.

We showed up yesterday to load him. Kim told me that he hadn't been
in a trailer since he was 5 months old (just under a year ago) and
so I brought with me a guy who knows horses much better then I do,
and ropes, whips, and a bunch of stuff to aid in getting him
loaded. We were met by Kim, and she told me that Ben was very
hungry, and that if we put some food in the trailer, and coaxed him,
that he would load with no problem. The friend I was with scoffed
at that, and said that he had seen horses starved for 2 weeks that
wouldn't enter a trailer for food. Little did he know! I haltered
him up, and we let him to the trailer. Kim threw his food bucket
inside, and instantly he wanted that food. He sat there at the
entrance, slightly lifting his feet trying to figure out how to get
to the food. After only a few minutes, and vitually no effort, he
put one of his front hooves in the trailer, and was right inside,
eating his food. We were all kind of in awe at how easy he loaded.

He transported very well. He got the hang of leaning very easy, and
I never felt him hit the side of the trailer in a turn.

Once at my place, he and Lily started talking and I was a little
hesitant for what to expect with the unload. Would this little boy
drag me all the way to Lily as he went to fulfil his studly desires,
or would he be calm and cool like before. What a laid back guy he
is. I unloaded him, and he looked at Lily, but followed me with no
problem. He went right into his stall, and had no issues with it.

He and Lily stayed separate for a few hours, and then I realized
that I had no hay readily available, and his stall had no grass
growing in it, so I knew I had to put him in the hot wire pen. Once
again, I got nervous about the prospect of him and Lily's first
encounter. I let him along the outside of the fenceline and let he
and Lily sniff and chat. Lily would sniff him, he would click his
teeth, and then she would lower her ears and run away.

After walking him along the fence, we went inside. Lily kept her
distance, and he showed no inclination that he was interested in
her. Once I took his halter off, he went right to eating grass.
Lily spent the rest of the night coming up behind him, sniffing him,
acting all interested in him, and then when he would turn and look
at her, she would lower her head and run him off. You can tell he
has been around mares, cuz he see's her attacks coming and is gone
before she can even touch him.

So basically, Ben has wanted nothing to do with Lily. He wanders
the pasture, eating grass and keeping away from her. I am soooo
impressed with him. He has great manners and I really hope Lily
see's it in her to be nice to him someday. LOL.

Great job on him Kim. The biggest thing he needs is some work on
his ground manners and crowding me, but that will come as I work
him. He acted the exact opposite of what I expected. (keep in
mind, I still keep an eye on him at all times when I am near him
just to be safe).

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