Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jan 26, 2009 - More dragging a tire

Just thought I would share my latest progress.

I've been dragging a tire behind Lily in my pasture for the past 2 months now getting her ready for a wagon. I've come to the conclusion that she is more ready then me.

This last Saturday I took Lily over to a friends arena. This friend has been driving horses all his life, and I figured it would be good to harness her up and drive her with someone around that knows what they are doing just to see if I'm doing anything wrong.

I showed up and harnessed Lily up. My friend came over and helped make a few minor adjustments on the breeching so that Lily had a tad more room lengthwise (so she could really lean into the collar better). Then we went to town in the arena dragging an old tractor tire behind her. I worked her for about 30 minutes while he watched and commented on some things I can do better. Then I let him take a turn. He was beaming, and the pictures below are of him working Lily.

He and I basically dragged his whole arena using that tire, and afterwards he gave me his feedback on the horse. His feedback was that I was the luckiest SOB he knows for getting a horse like Lily for my first horse. He said she was very sensitive to the reigns, and responded well on voice command.

Sounds like I may be ready to move up to a forcart. I'm having a blast right now, and just love working with her. Can't wait till I'm driving her from the front seat of my wagon.

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