Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jul 7, 2008 - Lily is alone.

As of last night, she was not dried up yet. She was squirting milk
with every step. I've been giving her extra love, and moved her
into the goat pen up next to the house. She spent the whole day
pacing the pasture and calling for Buck. I don't think I expected
this. I'm trying to give her treats, love, and attention so that
she gets through this easier. Just watching Lily deal with losing
Buck has given me a whole new appreciation for how hard those PMU
mares must've had it.

The bad part of this whole deal was that now I feel like I need
another horse to keep Lily company. (Before all of you start
chiming in, I don't have any dough to buy one! :D ) If things work
out then maybe Kim will send Ben over and she'll have some company
then. They are definitley herd animals and I feel bad that she only
has an old cranky goat to hang out with (just like I feel bad that
my old cranky goat is alone too).

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