Monday, May 17, 2010

One harness complete and in use!

Today I assembled one of the harnesses and fit it to Rachel.  She did pretty good while I took the time to adjust all the straps.  I think the pictures will show that she is a pretty good harness model.  Maybe I should sign her up at some modeling agency.  ;)

These bridles came with twisted snaffle type bits.  I usually like to use the liverpool straight bit for driving, but I figured I'd give these a try.  Rachel likes it a lot better, however, she's not as responsive with it.  She's not bad by any means, just not as light as I'm used to with her.  I think it will work well for the farm type application that these harnesses will be used for.

I should note that these harnesses are plain work harnesses.  I hope no one was expecting fancy spotted ones with how excited I've been about them.  :)  I am thrilled with them, and very glad to have them!!

After making sure everything fit, I did some ground driving with Rachel dragging the tire.  It was a nice night.  Now I just need to get a few parts so I can assemble the other harness, and I need to pick up another 24" collar from my friend Pat.  (If anyone in the NE Texas area is interested in where to buy collars, my friend Pat sells them out of his barn in Sulphur Springs TX, and he charges a VERY reasonable price.  Much cheaper than online, and you can take your horse and fit check so you know you're getting the right size.  Nothing like trying it on before you buy!!)

Pat also put me in touch with a Mule skinner north of Sulphur Springs who sells all kinds of hitch stuff.  I talked to him, and he says he has what I'm looking for as far as a yoke and double tree go.  I'm going to go and take a look.  I really like the idea of being able to see and handle a double tree and yoke before I commit to buy it.  This guys prices are basically what you can get online, only I don't have to pay shipping for picking them up, so in the end it's cheaper.

That's it for now.  What a night!


  1. ok now thats a nice look a good work set on a well fleshed but not fat horse,she is real pretty and you did a nice clean up on that tack.
    thanks for sharing.
    coffee is done so have a good day.

  2. Thanks Jim! Rachel is an incredible horse. She has a lot of similarities to my first horse Lily. I really like her a lot.

  3. She looks wonderful in her harness. So glad she has the personality of your beloved Lilly. There is nothing like a drafthorse with a good mind!
    Heather in PA
    (My hubby and I spent the morning wrestling our 350lb. mini knucklehead to give him his yearly shots and coggins. It was lovely to then move on to our drafts next. They don't even flinch when you stick'em!)

  4. Did your collar have dirty white leather stitching when you got it- if so how did you get that leather white again? Lemon juice? Nail polish remover?

    Amy in Minnesota

    1. I got extremely lucky in that I didn't have to restore the collar. I got new collars. I did get one used one, but the stitching was still perfectly white. I wish I had a suggestion for you. Good Luck! I'd probably just use dawn dish soap and a plastic bristle brush to scrub it and see how it does.
