Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The girls are being punished.

So yesterday Lily and Pam decided that my mother-in-law was not scary, and they ran past her as she was opening the gate.  Wife got home, and got the feed bucket to get them back inside.  I guess the warm weather just made them feel like running.  She said that Pam would’ve come back, but Lily looked, decided she did not want to be confined to our pasture, and proceeded to run around 2 of my neighbors properties.  My wife just kept trying to walk so she would be in site, call them, and shake the bucket to remind them there was some yummy food.  Pam of course, just followed Lily around, both running and bucking.  Eventually the desire for food got the best of Lily and she came walking back through the gate following my wife.  Pam in tow of course.

So then I got home.  As I tried to open the gate, I saw them eyeing the gate, and inching close so they could make a dash for it.  Well ol’ Mr. Tim don’t play that.  I proceeded to walk towards them clapping my hands and making loud noises and drive them back quite a ways away from the gate.  A half hour later I called them for dinner.  Those dang MARES!!!  Since it is winter, they can see me from 300 feet away through a corner of the property.  Instead of coming, Lily just sat and looked at me.  Pam wanted to come, but was confused on why Lily wasn’t, so she stayed with Lily.  So, I just did some other jobs for a bit, calling from time to time, and sure enough, Lily’s curiosity made her come back.  So into the pens they went, and they are going to stay there!  Pasture is a privilege, and they need to be reminded of that.  Also, I have a bunch of hay on my wagon from hay rides I needed to feed anyway, so this gives me the chance to feed it where they will eat all of it.

Naughty Mares!!!

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