Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pictures of wagon and goslings

So here are some pictures of the wagon and the goslings.  Unfortunately the coyotes have struck again.  Yesterday I was feeling all good that I created a little goose family.  A momma, daddy, and 5 little babies.  What could be better, right?  I checked on them before dark and they were all resting and relaxing on the shore of the pond.  Before bed I checked again and saw the gander out in the pond with the 5 babies by his side and no momma.  I did some detective work and found what happened to her.  She was picked off by a coyote.  When I found the carcass it was still warm, so I must've just barely missed the event unfold.  Sadly ... my great pyranees dog had knee surgury, so I've been having to keep her indoors and confined to a kennel to let the leg heal.  Due to this, the coyotes are coming up daily and picking off chickens.  Gotta get that dog back outside and doing her job!  So now ... my happy complete goose family has become a single parent family.  I'm thinking today that I'm going to make a platform to put in the water for him to rest on instead of the shore line.  I did this already once and the ducks claimed it and made it theirs. 

Here is the single father goose with the 5 babies.

Here is the wagon with the sides in the up position.

Here is the wagon with the sides in the down position.


  1. I'm so sad about the female goose.. Yes, make them an island in the pond! and the wagon looks great!

  2. condolences on your pyr surgery and goose loss.
    the wagon looks great,what kind of stain was that? it looks real good.

  3. Thanks Claire! I think another island is definitely in order.

    Thanks Jim. The pyranees blew out both her knees because of how active she is. She's only 2 and means a lot to us, so we had a surgery done to fix her up. She should be back out watching the critters in a week or so. I'm not sure what kind of stain it is. I know it's a stain/sealer combo stuff. I got it from Home Depot. I'll let you know.
